get to know me, a little.


Shouldn't have I made something titled this way back?  because it is quite important to at least know the person whose blogs you are reading for the past 3 months. A lot of things are happening, just got off periodic exams, now I have my practicals and then finals which would probably be at the end of February. There is no beginning or end of this blog, I am really writing anything that comes to my mind. Let's begin then?
I have realised that my blogs are going in such a serious pattern, I remember when I started my A Teenager Without Teenage I planned to make sure that I'll keep the vibe lowkey and humourous but again I ended up writing something intense and serious, maybe that is my forte but I really wish to write something that people can read just to have fun or to enjoy. I don't want them to tire their brains every time I post, that is why I will be writing something completely off from what I usually do. 

I follow Zodiacs. I don't believe in complete astrology and I don't judge people just based on their zodiac signs but I find it fascinating. I am particularly a Leo-Virgo cusp. A cusp is that period when a particular sign ends and the other begins. Leo ends on 22nd August, Virgo starts from 23rd, and people born from 19th to 25th August are Leo-Virgo cusp.

The Zodiac Signs

For those who don't know, Virgos are known to be organised, workaholics and independent whereas Leos are said to be creative, leaders, confident and adventurous. I share a few positive and negative qualities from both of them, I think I am a workaholic, confident and independent(Not on the earning side but when it comes to working, I generally don't take help). Negative ones are that I am stubborn and I think that I am always right. The other thing that takes me down every time is my habit to say 'Yes'. I can never say no to someone, which is something good to have but not in every scenario because I end up neglecting myself just to help that person. I have also noticed that the majority of my qualities, good ones, are from the Earth side(Virgos) and the aggressive ones from the Fire sign(Leos). Earth signs go pretty well with Water signs that is why me and my sister, who is a Pisces go along really well. So, all the water signs you know whom to contact! 
I also have good relations with Scorpios, who by the way are the one of the least liked zodiac signs among all 12, not to forget that Virgo is the 3rd least liked sign, so, it makes sense?
Although, I am not such big or an enthusiast that I check my horoscope every day but I find most parts of it captivating. And I think I can never lose that interest.

Skipping my Baba side, let me share my hobbies~
I don't have any! I don't know how to paint, sketch, sing or play an instrument. People have literally made the most out of their childhood years and I just don't do anything. My friends think that I study a lot, which is a total false fact about me. Here is the thing, I can only study when I feel like and when I have that right rush and motivation, I am the most productive person. But that is not the case everyday, I procrastinate so much! Even if I try to get up and study I just end up watching TV or sleep or lay down and think about anything to everything. Few years back, I wanted to be that kid who knows everything. The craze started when I saw the swimming pool in my school (home to dust and dirt because we never swim there). I wanted to learn how to swim after that, then I wanted to learn dance then wanted to play guitar. It all continued for a brief amount of time and ended up nowhere, or it ended up me being in my bed!

Sorry, but it is ending abruptly here. I don't think I am getting any motivation to write and I don't want to write just for the sake of it. 

My next blog is going to be a little 'down the memory lane' types. I will let you all know about my academic downfall that happened in  6th standard. Actually, a lot more than just academic downfall.

I will catch you in the next one,
Diana Jean


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