
Isn't it beautiful to witness people accept their journey? How not so long ago their fears overpowered them and now they outshine every darkness that ever pulled them behind. The biggest war to overcome something was never others' judgements, it was always yourself. It was you who kept you back.

Well, that is the beauty of the journey, how you see living examples of people far better and worse than you and still at the end of the day you, somehow, find yourself unique. You spend all your energy moving forward while joining the broken pieces together because you have to continue, even when everything utterly drains you out, you choose not to step out of your journey. Your journey will always set you apart, it shall remain as proof, even long after you are gone, of all the times you had a chance to stop but you didn't.

You need to look out for yourself and put yourself before everything else because everyone is busy with themselves and all of this doesn't make them selfish or cruel, the earth never stops spinning for the moon to stay longer, rather it appreciates its beauty while it lasts. Cherish your relationships, even the failed ones, because they teach immensely. The hurt of losing people in your journey might never go away but the void they leave guarantees us that we can still continue in their absence. 

You will break innumerable times, it is inevitable but the diamond is put under pressure for a reason. Trust the process, you are being put in all such situations because carving a masterpiece takes effort. If you are been given a chance to mould your journey, make it the way you desire, so that when life flashes before your eyes as you breathe your last it is worthwhile.

I'll catch you in the next one,
Diana Jean


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