A Teenager without Teenage

It honestly takes a strong heart to pass your teenage years sanely. I hope even I do.

Being in my prime teen years, I guess it is fair to say that you live a hell of a rollercoaster every single day! It is almost like everything was fine till 12 and suddenly everything gets so sensitive and complicated, mainly because of the pressure and excitement to be in teenage. All of a sudden your preferences change, you want to socialise and be the cool kid, you want to look a certain way and speak fluently, you want your favourite beverage to be coffee and music to be international pop. And no matter how much we say that we are mature and sensible, deep down we still know nothing. All the time we try to be something we are not. We want to hang out, be on insta, drink coffee, listen to music, talk in slang, wear clothes that are in trend, click aesthetic pictures, talk about sex and drugs.

We want to do it all just because others are doing it, we teens get influenced so easily literally by someone who is living in a different country with different circumstances. And I seriously don't get all of it, the sole reason being my sister; she has more rights over my life than my parents. I bet if she would have not been with me I would cry over small things and contemplate how my life is so messed up. And knowing all this does not make me intelligent, it is like everyone else will also realise all of this in the next 5 years, I just got to know it a few years before them. I see my sister and her friends laughing about how they used to overreact and get angry about such small issues and I will also be in the same position after 5-7 years. 

Obviously, even I do all of it to be socially accepted but I never supported it. Even as any teenager reads it he/she/they will not be convinced with all this but it happens and it is a part of your life, you can't really do anything about it. All of your mood swings and the tremendous growth physically and mentally is not under your control. The only thing that I expect from myself in terms of my behaviour is to be kind with my words and not shout at my parents for not understanding me. We all feel like we are messed up and need someone who can hold us, right? but take it the other way, what if, that someone is your own self? what if it is you who can give yourself support and confidence. I think that way and things turn out pretty well. We all have our good days and bad ones but I am grateful that I am getting through it all.
Laughing lamely with friends over chats, gossiping about relatives, ranting about how difficult math is getting, planning my future, loving my body someday and hating it the other day, crying over how unlucky females are to get their periods, and begging my parents to meet my friends. I enjoy it all. Even though none of our lives is like that perfect dream world we imagine, where we imagine the perfect family and perfect romance and perfect best friend, I love it as it is. I like to strive every day, I like texting my friends, arranging calls occasionally, discussing our favourite shows and waiting for the next seasons (NETFLIX PLEASE!). I love how my parents have started considering me responsible, how I have started to have experiences of my own. Own it and enjoy it!

Here is a little note for all the teenagers out there,

I know how dense it gets, every time and every day when you don't know what to choose and whom to call. When you cry in the bathroom with your mouth covered thinking you'll not make it. when you feel horrible for saying something mean to your friend. When you see others and get insecure about your body. When you feel like a failure for not scoring well. I understand all the darkness that resides within, but it all will change. The crazy emotions and feelings will come to rest one day. The stress you have about your future will bear fruit one day. You will feel confident about your body and your decisions one day. And that one fine day you'll know it was all worth it.


I'll catch you in the next one, 
Diana Jean.


  1. It was so relatable i swear T-T
    Tremendous work!

  2. It was so nice, it was something that evry teenager was wishing to get ✨

  3. It was very nice ����

  4. This is going to be one long comment so please bear with me Diana Jean. I have read all your blogs till date and would mostly have a little feedback ready with me for each one of them but this one was something different. Something that forced me to give you my feedback in this comment section. Something that is so heart touching but ironic,yet realistic and relatable. If i were to describe this blog of yours then i would do it in some indescribable words. But I know that you will understand because teenagers do understand each other don't they? Even if sometimes we don't make sense. We are all going through the same thing in different ways and this blog is one which made the teenagers reading it realise this. It is not easy to write down such sensitive and important thoughts in such a unique way but you did it! And I'm proud of you my friend! You as a person,as a student,as a teenager or as a friend have gone through many difficulties but what always made you stand apart from others was your attitude towards life and your reply to your problems. I know for a fact that my friend can fall sometimes but she knows how to land. Don't need to talk the talk, just walk the walk-okay I'll stop here with the song associations but you probably know by now who I am right? Don't mention my name in the comment though (That is in case you reply to this)
    What I mean to say is that you're strong and you know it. We as old friends have seen each other in many situations be it stress of studies or friendship issues. I'm thankful that an amazing person like you has been a friend who gives real opinions in problems instead of Suga coated words... Oh wait.... I mean sugar coated words. Anyways, enough of my words. I'm truly excited for your next blog because it's gonna be a special one!! 2018 was truly splendid. Even though it had lots of difficulties but somehow it was never unpleasant. It was a year in my school life that is worth remembering in terms of humour, experience, friendship, happiness and the building up of new and true friendships and rebuilding some old friendships which were lost. Also personally, about learning to forgive but staying aware. Will be waiting for the blog!!!
    Oh and one last thing before i forget!!! Happy 3-month anniversary of your blogging journey!������������[SORRY FOR ANY TYPING ERRORS]

  5. That is the sweetest thing. I've been forever grateful for your support and will always be. I've seen you at all stages and you've grown out of it so maturely. Keep up this outlook you have towards life and you shall pass every hurdle life has to offer.


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