Taking a break & Catching up


After what seems like an eternity I am back! The past few months have been nothing but eating, sleeping, studying and repeating. It is not an exaggeration to mention the crazy amount of hard work and effort I have put in. I did not believe that it is me who can actually do all of it. I wish that all of it bears good results which by the way are due in May. 

Ever since exams got over a week back I have slowed down and taken a rest. Although my mind refuses to accept it because it is still in its 'study hard' phase, I still managed to do many things. Starting off I had my life's first night stay with two of my closest friends. Then I went out with my parents a couple of times and spent the last two days with my relatives. Basically, for the last 7 days, I have been busy relaxing. (Love the oxymoron, I just used.)

In short, the last week has been pretty relaxing. I also completed the first season of Jujutsu Kaisen. The show had such cool characters. One thing that I enjoy about Anime series, in general, is the portrayal of people, every single character has such a strong past story which proves their behaviour in present scenarios. Each personality is distinct and particularly in this show, the characters neither had rectitude nor deceit as their trait but were rather of grey portrayal.

Usually, I go all out when it comes to taking a break, I try to maximise and put in everything that I find helpful and squeeze in the limited time period. This is wrong because taking a break is meant to be something wherein you go with the flow. I am not pressuring myself while taking a break. I am mentally at peace being a minimalist this time.

I find it fascinating how the definition of 'taking a break' has changed over the years. In elementary classes, it was playing all day in the neighbourhood with friends that we thought would spend their whole lives with us, in middle school it changed to not touching the books at all, and now it has changed to, binging OTTs and going out with friends and family. I am sure this definition would soon turn to spending time in solitude but there is a long way to go to be at that stage.

I am not my ideal self but I work hard to be that person and this one thing has been a constant. Even on the days that I was relentlessly working hard, or lying on the couch, this constant has been there and will always be until I achieve what I dreamt once.

Take a break if you haven't already because, in the true sense, you will be more pumped about your future.

I stopped writing altogether for the past 2 months but I did not take a break because I was tired of it. My priorities at that moment were studies but now I think I can make publishing blogs a weekly habit. I am sorry but I still cannot promise my uploading schedule though I can assure you that I will give time to it.

Please send me ideas of whatever you think I can pull up, in the comment section or you can mail or DM me as well.

Mail: diana.beingyou@gmail.com
Instagram: beingyoubyd

I'll catch you in the next one,
Diana Jean


  1. so proud of u :) taking a break is absolutely healthy and you deserve it!


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