New Year Resolutions!


Happy New Year everyone, I might be the last person to wish you but please accept it wholeheartedly. 
I had the best trip in these holidays, spending time with family will always be the first thing I want. My holidays in Banglore in summary were filled with movies, playing cards, chocolates, having family talks(the best part), and going out. Even New Years Eve was so fun, first, we baked a cake in the evening then we did karaoke, played Tambola and finally had a big family dinner. All in all, it was worth it. 
Let's talk about resolutions, I did not get time to dot it all down but roughly it is there in mind. My resolution starts with me being a little more serious about my future, seeing the increased competition. The only thing that I get advice about is to plan and it is important to figure things out and get your act together and straight, I think in 2022 not only I will be preparing for my boards but I will also start working on the competitive exam that I want to give for college. As a person I am not someone who'll just stick to one thing and work towards it with the full craze, I would for sure do that but only when I have the assurance that I have a backup plan. This is not because I don't trust my skills or I don't show faith in myself, rather I don't trust the situations, there is of course a great probability that if I work hard and my life turns out the way it was planned but there should always be a space for 'what if?' because you know yourself and you change oneself accordingly but the situations won't change. That is why always have a backup plan once you finalize your main plan. I also have some plans to work on my studies, I want my academics to be better and my concepts to be clear.

The last thing on my resolutions list is to talk sense. I want to make my personality so good that people enjoy talking to me and that I have more confidence. I have a major liking towards people with good intellect, I don't care if I am studious or humourous or smart because... I just want to be intellectual. Trust me, the day someone says, "Oh, you talk so intellectually." I would stop working on my personality because that is the last thing I want. And since I know myself so well I know that probably that 'someone' will be me.
Skipping my self-rant, I just want to be a happy soul this year. I want to focus on myself and build myself. I want to make some new friends, travel to different places, study a lot because I can't help that and have some teenage drama, hopefully. Is it just me or there are teenagers who are in their teens but still don't feel it? I am sorry but I don't have any sort of friends drama or what they show in movie love life dramas. I mean literally, the only person in my love life is me and my sister, no space for others. I have a good topic to write about, "A teenager without a teenage". You are officially on my checklist. 

Considering all the new things that are happening in my life, I know that it is going to be so difficult for me to adjust and live up to my expectations but eventually I will figure it out. I have never been this positive and happy in my life as I have been since August 2021 and I want to continue living this way.
Over the years, just like anyone, even I forget my resolutions but this time, I just have this different energy that I think will bear good fruits. I will make sure that I will be a little more sensible.

I'll catch you in the next one,
Diana Jean.


  1. Finally!! You are back Diana. I missed your blogs alot.

    1. Thank you so much. I think it would still take some time to get back on track but I'll be soon. You know the exam stress:(

  2. Yasssssss she is back !! Wishing that your future will be what you've thought of and a positive and joyful year ahead to you ��✨

  3. Loved it, as usual❤️

  4. This one was great, loved how you wrote each and everything so beautifully.


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