The Wholesome Interview


My first blog did really well, much to my surprise people contacted me and appreciated me. I was honestly touched, it was one such moment I realised that there are a few people out there who actually support you and encourage you to do something. Seeing someone showing faith in you is one of the best feelings. I am grateful to all the people who said such kind words after the release of my first blog. 

So today I sat for an interview, it started off nice and good. I was confident and I answered perfectly but then the interviewer asked, "Tell me something about your father? How is he?" and I stopped then and there. At that very moment, all I could think of was the sacrifices he do for us each and every day without expecting a single thing in return. How he is the kindest, how he has never done or even thought bad of someone, how he is so hardworking and how he has never prioritised himself rather made sure his family had everything. I started crying because how could I possibly answer such a question. I turned my camera off. At that time all I could see was my dadda's face. (yes, I call him dadda.)

I somehow managed to get myself together and continued answering the other question. I will not say I messed up, I think at that moment I got so overwhelmed and broke down. I have never felt this happy after crying. 

As my sister says, I am a bit different from people of my age. People of my generation are assumed to be inconsiderate towards their parents and that all we think is that we are extremely mature, intelligent and whatever our parents say is nonsense, but the case is totally opposite. It is we who barely make any sense(hormones are to be blamed but not completely!). Even though we, as teenagers face so many problems while growing, we know how to manage our hormones well. :)

I'll catch you in the next one,
Diana Jean


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