The Beginning


Let’s start from the very beginning, the idea of starting my blog struck my head in early 2021. I never really had a hobby, just for the sake I used to say I write. But I had nothing to show if anyone asked to see my work.

Being able to show what I am, what I do is something I love, not verbally but I can do that very well through my write-ups. I think I am an ambivert, who is over-expressive in front of friends but opposite when it comes to family. There is a possibility that my blogs may sound like MUN speeches or someone who is trying to sound mature, but believe me I'll get over it. I will be doing personal blogging, sharing my opinions on situations, products and most importantly communicating what I feel to you all. I am not someone who is totally into cooking, travel, science or tech however I share my interests in all of them equally. No matter what anyone says or no matter how much I underestimate myself, I know it's there. The talent, the passion is all there, what is required is a way to energize all of it constructively and I promise I’ll do that here. As of now, I have not decided on any schedule for posting although I will decide for one soon.

Let's talk about the name of my blog, it says 'Being You', I think that is the best I could decide upon. I believe more than others it is important for each and every person to know themselves first, to accept themselves as they are. You can surely work upon yourself to be better, but that doesn't have to come at the cost of changing you as a person. I would surely make one blog depicting my thoughts about it. 

All this while I would like to keep myself anonymous, just to be safe. Talking about my name, as you must have read, it is Diana Jean. The reason behind this is that I'm a DC fan and Diana is the name of Wonder Woman. 'Jean' came from the first netflix movie that I saw, 'To all The Boys' in which there is this amazing role of Lara 'Jean' Covey played by phenomenal actor Lana Condor. I guess now it all makes sense? I hope it does.

I'll catch you in the next one,
Diana Jean


  1. Great going Diana (not telling ur real id) I wish u all the luck for ur future blogs and wish to read them ASAP!!!

  2. Amazzzinggg...can't wait for more blogs

  3. That was a great start. Waiting for the next blog.

  4. Eagerly waiting for the next one!!

  5. Veryyyyy well written Diana......amazinggg!!!!

  6. Wonderful , I will wait your next blog.πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

  7. Good start 😊😊 and all the best πŸ‘πŸ‘

  8. Well written........ Great going Diana

  9. All the Best..πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ’


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