Catching Up+ How I Schedule

I am so excited as I write this because I am BACK! This one is a 'catch up with me' blog because I have so much to tell. 
My last blog was almost two months back and I have been MIA ever since but let's catch up in this one, shall we?

[WARNING: You might consider me crazy because in the next few minutes you will read some really opposite topics being shared in one go.]

I celebrated my birthday, it was THE BEST. My friends were at home, we had good food, made a dance reel(which every second person talked about), and clicked beautiful pictures. 
Then I had my exams(the last one is still left) and I was swept away by them. And for the first time in my life, I was this much stressed about exams that I lost weight and had a dozen breakouts on my skin if not less. I guess that is how you feel after 2 years of not writing exams. But I learned a lot these past 15-20 days so that counts as good, right? 

I still don't have a schedule for posting and surely will not have any time soon but there are a few things I am doing, actually let's spill it; I have completed 2 blogs that are ready to be published(oh god, I sound as if I run a fancy magazine) and will release them in the upcoming month. Also, Nov 7th will be the First Anniversary of 'BEING YOU', and guess what before writing this, I already completed my 1-Year-Anniversary Post. It's like when I am in the mood I can write so much. 
In the past few months, I also completed a book series, a tetralogy called 'Twisted Series' by Ana Huang and I will share the details in my Best Reads Pt.2.
And I have a nighttime routine, but it's not worth sharing because I don't own any fancy night mask or under-eye cream stuff. It's normal, simple and I love it. 

I am sharing about how I manage and schedule my workload, I have tried not to make it boring like a guide with steps and everything, but I am sharing briefly how I schedule.

Whenever someone asks me about how I keep up with my schedule, I simply state the real reason. I ask them to find something that makes the day worth living for. I ask them to make a schedule, I know following timetables is next to impossible when you are in high school and given all the never-ending assignments but you have to make one. Even if you don't follow it just put it across your table or anywhere you frequently pass by and give it a look. 
Now, this can do two things, one, give you the motivation to follow, or two, give you guilt that you are not keeping up with it and whichever way it will help you. It helped me because I felt the latter.
Also, I don't schedule like, 2-3pm study, 5-6pm TV, that is very monotonous and tiring it makes me feel like I am in school. I make a to-do list, to be precise wherein I just put whatever I wish to accomplish that particular day. It is genuinely helpful, might take you to get a hang of it but once you have, there's no going back(in a positive way).

And I also have lists, monthly lists, and yearly lists. Annual list are mostly the resolutions I make every year, it is not in a physical form but more of a mental note. Monthly list, I pin it on my board which keeps it in front of my eyes. It basically directs me and lets me divert my energy accordingly. Like if in a particular month, the second half is busy with family meetings or birthdays I automatically work a little more in the first half. Sounds very unrealistic because a lot of us just go with the flow but again once you get the hang of managing there is no turning back. I may not be a professional but I have experience and trust me I have tried all YT tutorials.
I wanted to share how I managed my workload for the longest time, it's one of the things I feel confident and surprisingly, happy about because a lot of people have not yet discovered their way of doing things but I did around 2 years back.

Not that I am making fun of someone but even you'll agree that having at least your school load/workload sorted out gives you time for other stuff. 
Make your surroundings cleaner, and tidier and you'll have all sorts of motivation. That reminded me that I do de-clustering and cleaning whenever I am stressed, it is so therapeutic.

Honestly, it's a hit and trial. You try something, it doesn't suit you then you move on to something different. I cannot convince you to start doing it just by reading but it might give you a head start. I got my head start because I used to look up online so much about time management and management, in general. 

I guess I'll leave you to that, just give some time to yourself and go about things calmly.

I'll catch you in the next one,
Diana Jean.


  1. Thank you for the motivation and suggestions Diana!! This is going to be very helpful.


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