Changing our Perspective


I now have drafted stuff on my blogger. All of my other blogs that you read were one-shot. I have one draft named "IDK" wherein I just write anything that makes no logic but it is required because sometimes, you know, those abbreviated half words make all sense. I still have not made a schedule for my uploads but if you've been reading since the beginning then I upload on weekends usually, for now just take that as my schedule. I also changed my theme, it is now a little sweet I would say but I do appreciate the font. It is something a little off my vibe but there's no harm in trying something new. I haven't officially announced it here but I joined Instagram on 27 Nov and I am not finding that app interesting at all, I expected that I would not leave my phone once I join Instagram but it is quite the opposite. I also got to know that many of you like my blogs to be a little descriptive and long so I will be trying to make longer blogs from now. I also celebrated 1-month of 'Being You' on 7.12.21 and all of my friends wished me, they are so kind and amazing. That should be enough of catching up and 'I also did this and that'. I would be talking about something suggested by one of the readers, it is about our perspective.

I have seen various kinds of people, the one that I like to know about someone is to understand their perspective towards life. It shows how they perceive life and how they comprehend it. There is nothing like an ideal perspective because everyone has their own, their background is different, their lifestyle is different and their struggles are different. And changing perspective becomes so difficult with such barriers. But still, there are a ton of situations wherein the only option left is to modify your opinion, even if you don't feel like it you have to do it. I understand that your perspective is a reflection of who you are but changing yourself and changing your perspective are two very different things. When someone asks me why don't I understand or adjust, it hurts my pride or if I put it plainly, it hurts my ego because as humans we all think that we are right. We have this justice system in our mind that by default makes us the ideal person that could never do something wrong. It is that system that confidently defends us. This system makes us believe that our actions and choices could never go wrong. Yet realistically it is the opposite, we tend to make mistakes. We judge others, we think they are weaker than us. A lot of it happens subconsciously but we can handle it if we want to. It surely is difficult but if I personally, look at the positive side it gives me motivation to adopt changing my perspective, not for others but for my own good. Changing your opinions lets you see from someone else's shoes, it makes you comfortable enough to see the vulnerable side. I remember making up this judgement about someone I met in 7th grade, on the very first day I was like, I could never talk to such an arrogant and inconsiderate person but altering my thoughts made me realise how humble she is and I made a friend for life. 

It entirely comes down to one thing, if you want people to love you and accept you and respect your thoughts then you have to give them a reason to do that. You have to be your best to get the best. Every one of us deserves great things, and those great things come to those who value them. If you think that you can do everything as per your wish and still everyone is going to accept you then that is not going to happen. Almost all our decisions involve people we know and it is very crucial to respect their individuality as well. And we all can do it!

I won't say this is one of the best I have written but I did try my best, incase any of you find anything to be modified here please let me know. I have just started writing and feedbacks are important. This would be the last blog for this month because I am going on a trip for the holidays. I am very happy because I love holidays and I love trips. And what would possibly be better than sitting on the couch with your complete family and eating desserts while watching movies?  I am so looking forward to it!! I will for sure try to release one more before I go next week or if I am not able to then I'll meet you in 2022 with my New Year Resolutions blog.

I'll catch you in the next one,
Diana Jean.


  1. Awsome. As Always... 😍😍

  2. That was wholesome<3 eagerly looking forward to the next blog have a safe trip!!

  3. Doing a fabulous job!!

  4. May you have a happy and a safe trip....we will mis stout blogs for the rest coming days �� have a happpy journey !

  5. Really liked your opinions about this topic.


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